Diano Marina
Between Capo Berta and Capo Cervo

Diano Marina, located in the Gulf between Capo Berta and Capo Cervo, in the Western Liguria, has an old tradition that dates back to the late nineteenth century.
Nowadays it is a village of regal hotels, Art Nouveau buildings hidden among the tree-lined boulevards and beautiful houses lightened up by the sun on the green slopes of Capo Berta.
Its golden beach is over three kilometres long, starting next to the harbor and ending at the foot of the cliffs of Capo Berta. The gold coloured sand is soft and warm, the seabed is low and very suitable for children; the Gulf's beach resorts are the ideal location for beach volleyball matches, acquagym and all kind of other activities.
The municipality of Diano Marina has three villages in the hinterland: Diano Calderina (with Borgo Muratori), Diano Serreta, Diano Gorleri. They are immersed in the greenery of olive groves, vineyards and basil crops and flowers.