Blue Flag

The Blue Flag is an international award, established in 1987, European Year of the Environment, which is awarded every year in 49 countries, first only in Europe, more recently also outside Europe, with the support and participation of the two UN agencies: UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) and UNWTO (World Tourism Organization) with which the FEE has signed a global partnership protocol recognized by UNESCO as a world leader in the field of environmental education and development education sustainable.
Blue Flag is a voluntary eco-label assigned to seaside tourist resorts that respect criteria relating to sustainable land management.
The main objective of this program is to direct the local management policy of numerous coastal towns towards a process of environmental sustainability.
Diano Marina has obtained the prestigious award from the FEE for 2020.
On May 14, 2020, the Deputy Mayor of Diano Marina, Cristiano Za Garibaldi, and the Councilor for the Environment, Barbara Feltrin, participated today in videoconference at the ceremony for the assignment of the Blue Flags 2020, during which Diano Marina was assigned the long-awaited recognition. Given the complex situation due to the COVID-19 emergency, the Conference presenting the Blue Flags 2020 was in fact held electronically.
"We are very satisfied - Za and Feltrin declare - to have obtained this very important award which not only certifies the quality of our marine waters, but also an environmental tourism excellence that has been missing in Diano Marina since the 90s. The Blue Flag rewards our efforts in particular in the collection works at the Imperia treatment plant (investment of 6 million euros), in the separate collection, in the tourist-hotel accommodation capacity and in the services provided on our beaches, but also in green areas, in playgrounds and in many other environmental parameters. In a period as uncertain as this, the achievement of this recognition constitutes for us a small but very important light at the bottom of the tunnel, an opportunity for recovery. The Blue Flag may be "waved" on the road signs, on the websites of the municipality and of all our hotels and beaches. A qualifying certification of our tourist vocation that will travel the world and contribute to witnessing our excellence ".