The Municipality of Diano Marina, together with the Liguria Region, offers a free and public WiFi service.

The project covers a large area of the city pedestrian center, an area of about 7,000 mq.
To access the network, it's only necessary being in any point of the covered area:
- Piazza Martiri della Libertà
- Via Genala
- Piazza Dante
- Via Genova fino ad incrocio con Via G. Verdi
- Via Nizza fino ad incrocio con Via Cairoli
- Via Canepa
Search wifi networks called "LiguriaWiFi", register and in a few steps you can navigate with your credentials with any portable device (smartphone, tablet, netbook, etc). The service allows you to: every day free surfing for maximum 2 hours or reach 200Mb; surfing can also be discontinued over 24 hours; if you forget to log out, no fear, the system will do it for you after about 10 minutes of inactivity; after login you can aurf anywhere from the area served by the "LiguriaWiFi" (mesh network) signal; surfing with the same credentials in all areas indicated by the LiguriaWiFi sign (also in other Ligurian municipalities); registering is easy and fast by following the directions provided by the system, directly within the WiFi area, or by visiting the website www.regioneliguriawifi.it.
More information can be found directly at the LiguriaWiFi project website. The Municipality of Diano Marina disclaims any responsibility for using the network and request to read the conditions of the service provided during the registration.