The Library provides for the publication of files relating to meetings and conferences held at the Sala M. Drago annexed to the Library spaces, or organized in other locations in the Municipality of Diano Marina.
Some authors wrote for the Library: Angiolo Silvio Novaro, Alina Savioli, Ugo Moriano, Umberto Maria Gillio, Lucia Gramondo, Giovanni Barrea.
and for Diano Marina: Manuelita Lupo, Walter Sannicandro.
The Library periodically provides for the increase of the patrimony with acquisitions that take into account the desired, the objective necessities of updating, the needs of completion of continuos works and many other factors.
Titles are divided into the categories “Narrativa adulti”(subject to external loan), “Narrativa e saggistica Bambini e ragazzi” (available for loan limited to narrative) and “Saggi” (only for internal consultation).