Bus timetables
The village of Diano Marina is served along the coast from the Sanremo-Andora Bus Line.
Headline (departure and arrival) in Via Cesare Battisti.
The cost of the ticket for all buses (both the shuttle bus to the station and the other inland buses) is € 1.50.
The cost of the ticket bought directly on the bus € 2.50
More info: Shuttle Bus to Railway Station.
The buses are all headed to Riviera Trasporti Spa of Imperia and are extrapolated from the following site: www.rivieratrasporti.it

The main stops are, from east to west:
- near Diana Tours Travel Agency, Via Generale Ardoino (Via Aurelia);
- near Bar Sito, city center, Corso Garibaldi (Via Aurelia);
- near Bar Skipper, at the end of the seafront promenade, Via XX Settembre (Via Aurelia);
- near Hotel Villa Igea, before the beginning of the climb of Capo Berta, Via Aurelia Ovest.
Headline (departure and arrival) in Via Cesare Battisti.
The cost of the ticket for all buses (both the shuttle bus to the station and the other inland buses) is € 1.50.
The cost of the ticket bought directly on the bus € 2.50
More info: Shuttle Bus to Railway Station.
The buses are all headed to Riviera Trasporti Spa of Imperia and are extrapolated from the following site: www.rivieratrasporti.it